What you hear – in the mouths of the media, in the shouts of the mob on the street, from overpaid, irrelevant, has-been actors, from merciless politicians, from communist assets – what you hear is the voice of the Accuser.
They don’t realize it, of course. They don’t believe in such things. They only believe in the certainty of their own innocence. They are forever convinced that they are the good guys. And they see all of the evil in the world and they absolutely know that they did not do it. Or they do not care.
Because, if there is no Truth, no Holy standard, pure and shining above all others, then their eyes grow used to the darkness. And it must, therefore, be you who are to blame.
We, on the other hand, have been confronted by the sin in our hearts. We know our guilt. We see that all of the evil on this earth comes from the heart of man. And we have recognized its seeds in us. We know we have the potential for evil and we resist it. But we have also seen our failures.
So, when the mob comes and accuses us, we wince. We question whether or not we failed again. We condemn ourselves because we see the unflinching purity of God’s love. We have been offered the unfathomable gift of grace. We see that Christ died on the cross in our stead. We feel the shame of the price He paid.
And it is easy to keep silent.
But silence is the worst sin of all because we have nothing to be proud of and nothing to brag about. Hiding is pretending that we are not guilty but all have fallen short of the glory of God. Our reputations are worthless. But what we have to offer is not.
What we have to offer is an introduction to the God who loved us and saved us. What we have is the way out for others. God has offered us nothing less than forgiveness and eternal life. It is the worst of crimes to keep it to ourselves because we don’t want anyone to know we aren’t perfect. No one imagines that we are.
Instead of kneeling in shame before the Accuser, we need to stand and proclaim our forgiveness by the astonishing power of God himself. We need to speak the Truth that our accusers are all guilty and our judges are all condemned. Those who would cancel us will all be cancelled. Those who thirst for our deaths will die. They have no justice to offer. They have no love to give us. Because they are us, sinners in need of a cure we cannot conjure. No law they can write will not condemn them as well.
So, let us stand boldly and proclaim their freedom in Christ. Let us offer life to the dying. Let us love them as God has loved us.
But never let us be silent because of stubborn pride or faithless shame. To cower like the guilty is to deny the unsurpassed gift of God’s forgiveness. To let ourselves be cancelled for our sins by equally guilty sinners without speaking the name of Jesus is to deny God’s mighty power and to hide the life God offers them as He offered it to us.
The accusations only work if we forget who has forgiven us.
Fighting the good fight does not mean condemning sinners but forgiving sin! It is not taking lives but spreading new life! This fight of ours is for our brothers, not against them. We need not judge them because God, their Creator, is their only judge. We need not condemn them because, without Christ, they are already dead.
The good fight we fight is for life and not death, for love and not hatred, for gratitude and not envy, for hope and not despair. The good fight is against the Accuser himself. Against the lies about who we are. For we are created by God who has given us the highest honor of all, to become sons of God as He became the Son of Man.
The accusations no longer work. The narrative no longer applies. The deception is no longer achievable. Death is no longer the end. Time is no longer relevant. And of His Kingdom there will be no end.
Amen and amen!! Thank you Dennis for not being silent, but speaking truth into our lives! By God”s grace I too will proclaim this eternal truth with people who desperately need to know there is a Savior who offers them salvation if they will only accept!