These people have the supreme advantage of geography. They have the ability to be in the right location. Which is to say, nearby.

They could be friends or family. They could be a total stranger with the right attitude. They could be encouragers unaware, with no idea what they’re doing at the time.

No, they’re not experts. They aren’t personal coaches. They haven’t written a book. They don’t have a TV talk show. They are not gifted encouragers. They may not be any good at it at all.

They are just untrained, common, average people. But science shows that’s all we need.

We are simply made to be around people. We need the company. It’s how we’re built. People make us happier and healthier. It doesn’t seem to matter if we particularly like them or not.

Which is handy.

Because a lot of them aren’t particularly likable.

Not that that’s a goal . . .

“There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.”
― Linda Grayson

“It’s the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter.”
― Marlene Dietrich


Photo by ThisParticularGreg via Flickr