I was walking from the car to my front door very late on a cool, dark night and heard a spooky sound above and behind me.
Hoo,hoo . . . hoo, hoo, hoo, Hooo!
It was easily recognizable as an owl. It was even kind of nice. But it was loud! And close. And the hair still stood up on the back of my neck.
It was a surprise in the dark. Who likes those? In two years, I’d never heard one.
Fire up your imagination and listen:
It was a reminder that I wasn’t alone out there. That there were things that I didn’t see that saw me. That nature is 24/7 and goes on while I sleep, without my permission or approval. Unconcerned that I’m not there to monitor things.
I’m superfluous. Extraneous. Unnecessary.
That’s the great thing about nature. We’re a part of it but not responsible for it. It’s bigger than us.
The Great Horned Owl spent several nights nearby, calling in its unique way. It was loud enough to wake me up in my bed at 3AM. I have to admit that it’s a much happier sound when I’m tucked snug under the covers.
I hate how goosebumps are beyond my control but make me feel like a kid in the dark. Even my footy pajamas don’t help.
That’s what nature does. Brings our egos down to a manageable size. Perspective in a shiver up your spine. Unexpected humility.
And awe.
Photo by Douglas Brown via Flickr.
Toss a whip-poor-will in there alongside the owl, and then you’ve REALLY got a good nightmare going.
You mean >>A Whip-poor-will?<< (link, link) You're right. Or a Screech Owl. There are weird things out there in the dark.