You may have noticed things changing around here! I thought I’d catch you up.

New Theme

This one’s obvious but it’s more than just a new look. It’s changing how we do things here. You will see new things roll out as I get them done, including . . .

Rating System

Now you can actively point readers to the good stuff! Not just the most read articles; your favorite posts! What has been most useful to YOU? All you have to do is click the stars and you start taking control of the site. Power! This is also your chance to easily tell me your top concerns.

Posts By Category

You have specifics interests and I want you to be able to get there quicker. Some things won’t apply to you. Pages sorted by categories will help out. The things you want will get pages of their own.

Upcoming Projects

The things I’ve been hinting about are finally coming. The first up is a project I’m calling the Backwards Book. Stay tuned.

Ongoing Projects

I have a unique opportunity to focus on writing “Candles In The Sun”– My wife Suzie’s story of surviving multiple primary cancers. Can’t talk details yet but time equals progress.

That’s it for now! Please rate a post for us. Thanks.