Music Speaks To Me

I’m assembling a playlist of songs to start my day, things to get me on the right track, to remind me of the beauty in the world outside my head (it’s amazing what happens in there). Things to point me in my chosen direction before distractions turn my head.

I know everyone has their own musical styles and it can become almost a religion to some people but I’d like to challenge you. If you open your eyes and go through life looking for the glory around you, you can find it even in places you’d prefer you wouldn’t. Because it’s there.

So, if you don’t like this song or this artist or this style, no problem. Just go out and find your own song . . . or make it.

And by the way, if you feel like sharing your song with me in the comments, I’d love it.


Because I can’t tell you how many times someone has repeated my words back to me, both good and bad. Because it’s easy then for me to tell whether I spoke well or not. Because by then it’s too late to change them . . .

Here’s my song of the day: Speak Life by TobyMac

Because words matter.

Photo by via Flickr