There are huge problems in the world today. Bigger problems than you can solve this morning. But you can do something.
Here’s a thought: why don’t you focus on what good you can do today? Your choice.
The big problems will be there tomorrow.
Learn the name of your Starbucks barista. They always ask yours. Ask them back. Then remember it. Write it down and use it tomorrow. And smile. Remember, every day they have to deal with you before you have your coffee.
Smile and talk to your waiter or cashier like a person with a difficult job to do. Remember not to be a difficult job.
Catch someone doing a good job and tell them. Just smile and say, “Good job,” or “Excellent work.”
Don’t make a production out of it. They’ll get suspicious and wonder what you’re up to. Just have an honest moment and move on like you do it every day.
Then, do it every day.
P.S. This is not about getting something back, or passing something on. This is about starting something.
Photo by waferboard
Good job on this post, Dennis! Excellent work! (I’m not up to anything.)
🙂 Thanks! (I’ve got my eye on you. Don’t try anything.)