This week, Suzie and I shared the flu. Not the starring version of the flu, standing proud in the spotlight of this year’s flu shot. We got the understudy flu, unexpected, lurking in the wings and angry from lack of attention. We got the Vengeful Flu, spurned and full of fury.
I may be slightly unobjective in my assessment.
In any case, this flu spawned a doctor visit and two trips to the emergency room by my wife due to weekend drug reactions. My doctor’s medical response was, “Weird.”
Oh well.
The net result was that we pretty much slept for a week. All attempts at conscious thought ended with the letters “Zzzzz” and perhaps a snort or two on my part.
Still, with prayers, rest and a flurry of chemicals, we find ourselves gratefully on the other side. Seriously grateful. The warm glow of the afternoon sun and the flowering hope of spring never felt so good.
Except for one small note.
This promised note, as it turns out, was the key, the linchpin to a river of authorizations and bureaucratical remedies such as could soothe the stalking savage beasts of financial prey. Money designated to ensure the goodwill of our fellow man is not forthcoming.
There will be an unfortunate delay.
Rather than focus on personages unknown who may or may not have completed their duties in a timely manner, I’m going to focus my newfound gratitude in another direction.
Thank you for doing your job!
If you have ever done your job in a proficient manner when no one but God above was looking, I would like to offer you my heartfelt thanks. If you have ever stayed late to help a coworker or shown up early to catch up, I tip my hat to you.
You matter.
During my family’s darker days, I later learned that someone noticed our endless stream of medical bills and make the commitment to pray for my wife whenever her name crossed their desk.
Family members, church members, and total strangers stopped what they were doing to pray across state and even national borders. Someone appeared at our door to help clean house. Others handed me money. A chain of people brought food for six months. Our children were entertained and educated and loved.
Afterwards, I tried to individually thank people for their amazing support and some, whom we shall never forget, didn’t even remember what they had done. We owe them a debt of love we can never, ever repay.
But I owe others this very day.
For those of you who simply believe you are doing your duty and fulfilling your promises, on behalf of those many of us who unknowingly depend on your diligence and honor, you have my deep and abiding gratitude.
God notices.
Paul admonished us to do our jobs, whatever they are, as if we were doing them for Jesus, Himself. Jesus said that whatever we do for the least among us we are also doing for Him.
I want you to know that I get it. You don’t have to be excellent. You don’t have to take up the slack for others. You don’t have to be diligent and efficient. You don’t have to take pride in a job well done. You don’t do it for the applause or glory because we both know there won’t be any.
I, on my part, will probably never know. As much as I might wish it otherwise, I, myself, will probably take your work for granted and possibly even be grumpy about it occasionally.
But THIS time, on THIS day, I would like to give you the credit you so richly deserve every day and say I deeply appreciate you doing such a great job. Thank you! You are a daily blessing.
The only way I can show my appreciation is with a prayer.
May God richly bless you as you have blessed us.